1. God reveals to His
prophets that there are moral absolutes. Sin will always be sin. Disobedience
to the Lord’s commandments will always deprive us of His blessings.
Tom Perry-Obedience to Law is Liberty-
2. Today we find
ourselves in another war. This is not a war of armaments. It is a war of
thoughts, words, and deeds. It is a war with sin, and more than ever we need to
be reminded of the commandments.
Tom Perry-Obedience To Law Is Liberty
3. Second, some
addictions or predilections, while not inherently evil, can use up our precious
allotment of time which could otherwise be used to accomplish virtuous
objectives. These can include excessive use of social media, video and digital
games, sports, recreation, and many others.
L. Cook-Lamentations of Jerimiah-Beware of Bondage https://www.lds.org/liahona/2013/11/sunday-afternoon-session/lamentations-of-jeremiah-beware-of
4. Adversity can come as
a great storm to blow us off course and threaten to cast us against the rocks.
But sometimes we are also in danger when everything appears to be safe—the
winds soft and the waters smooth.
F. Uchtdorf- April 2014 General Conference-
5. The other reason for
adversity is to accomplish the Lord’s own purposes in our life that we may
receive the refinement that comes from testing. It is vitally important for
each of us to identify from which of these two sources come our trials and
challenges, for the corrective action is very different.
G. Scott-Trust In The Lord
6. “When
was anything really worthwhile easy?”
G. Scott -Realize Your Full Potential
7. If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest
times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of
greatest happiness.
B. Wirthlin October 2008 General Conference-Come What May and Love https://www.lds.org/liahona/2008/11/come-what-may-and-love-it?lang=eng&query=If+we+approach+adversities+wisely,+our+hardest+times+can+be+times+of+greatest+growth,+which+in+turn+can+lead+toward+times+of+greatest+happiness.
8. The
devil is ready to blind our eyes with the things of this world, and he would
gladly rob us of eternal life, the greatest of all gifts. But it is not given
to the devil, and no power will ever be given to him to overthrow any
Latter-day Saint that is keeping the commandments of God.
M. Russell Ballard May 2002 Ensign
9. It is your reaction
to adversity, not the adversity itself that determines how your life’s story
will develop.
F. Uchtdorf-April 2010 General Conference
10. We mortals have a
limited view of life from the eternal perspective. But if we know and
understand Heavenly Father’s plan, we realize that dealing with adversity is
one of the chief ways we are tested.
Russell Ballard Answers to Life’s Questions May 1995 Ensign https://www.lds.org/ensign/1995/05/answers-to-lifes-questions?lang=eng&query=We+mortals+have+a+limited
The adversary is the evil one. He will tempt us and
laugh in amusement when we do wrong and follow his path. What happens in our
life all depends on how we react to adversity, as long as we approach the
adversities wisely we can grow spiritually, if we don’t it will be like we are
being tossed against the rocks. We are meant to have some trials in life and
this is the way we are tested. It is all part of Heavenly Father’s plan so we
can live with him again. I have gone through many trials and tribulations. I know there are more to come. If I approach
them with caution and ask for the Lord’s help, I will be able to pass the test
and move on to the next one brought my way.
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