1. Temple and family
history work is one work divided into two parts. They are connected together
like the ordinances of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Some members may
not be able to do both works because of health or distances to temples.
G. Scott- Church News Oct. 7, 2012-
2. Focusing on family
history work has turned his heart to the temple in a very special way. He feels
a sacred spirit in it. And it is helping him stay on the path to making and
keeping his own sacred temple covenants.
S. Monson Focusing on Family History Work
3. He has invited and
commanded us to participate in His work to lift up those in need. We make a
covenant to do that in the waters of baptism and in the holy temples of God. We
renew the covenant on Sundays when we partake of the sacrament.
B. Eyring-Opportunities To Do Good-April 2011 General Conference- https://www.lds.org/liahona/2011/05/opportunities-to-do-good?lang=eng&query=He+has+invited+and+commanded+us+to+participate+in+His+work+to+lift+up+those+in+need
4. Preparing children to
enter the temple and participate in sacred ordinances is a vital part of the
Lord’s work of salvation.
S. Monson-August 2010 Liahona-Worthy To Enter The Temple https://www.lds.org/liahona/2010/08/being-worthy-to-enter-the-temple?lang=eng&query=Preparing+children+to+enter+the+temple+and+participate+in+sacred+ordinances+is+a+vital+part+of+the+Lord%E2%80%99s+work+of+salvation
5. Our temples are
living, working testimonies to our faith in the reality of the resurrection.
H. Oaks-April 2000 General Conference-Resurrection- https://www.lds.org/ensign/2000/05/resurrection?lang=eng&query=Our+temples+are+living,+working+testimonies+to+our+faith+in+the+reality+of+the+resurrection.
6. If they seek to do
mischief with the priesthood and with the sacred things of the temple, the Lord
has said he would “blind their minds, that they may not understand his
marvelous workings.
Boyd K. Packer-April
1993 General Conference-
The Temple, The Priesthood
The Temple, The Priesthood
7. One of the bellwether
marks of the growth and vitality of the Church is the construction of temples.
We will keep on working to bring the temples to the people, making it more
convenient for Latter-day Saints everywhere to receive the blessings which can
only be had in these holy houses.”
Gordon B. Hinckley- The
Work Goes On-April 2001 General Conference
8. What a glorious thing
it is for us to have the privilege of going to the temple for our own
blessings. Then after going to the temple for our own blessings, what a
glorious privilege to do the work for those who have gone on before us.
W. Hunter-A Temple Motivated People-
9. Just as our Redeemer
gave His life as a vicarious sacrifice for all men, and in so doing became our
Savior, even so we, in a small measure, when we engage in proxy work in the
temple, become as saviors to those on the other side.
B. Hinckley-Closing Remarks- October 2004 General Conference
10. While temple and
family history work has the power to bless those beyond the veil, it has an
equal power to bless the living.
M Nelson-Generations Linked In Love-
April 2010 General Conference https://www.lds.org/liahona/2010/05/generations-linked-in-love?lang=eng&query=While+temple+and+family+history+work+has+the+power+to+bless+those+beyond+the+veil,+it+has+an+equal+power+to+bless+the+living.+.
April 2010 General Conference https://www.lds.org/liahona/2010/05/generations-linked-in-love?lang=eng&query=While+temple+and+family+history+work+has+the+power+to+bless+those+beyond+the+veil,+it+has+an+equal+power+to+bless+the+living.+.
I love to be able to go
to the temple and do work for the dead. It means even more when it’s for my own
ancestors. I didn’t get my endowments until my husband and I were sealed
together five years after we were married. This sealing led to my mother being
baptized a little under four years later. I am glad that she got baptized.
Unfortunately she passed away three months after her baptism. I went a year
later and took out her endowments. I have been searching for more ancestors to
do their work as well. I had the opportunity to do the work for some of my
ancestors on both sides of my family.
One of the most important proxy work I have done is when I had my
parents sealed together and then my sister and I sealed to them. Whether my
father accepted the sealing or not it was a special day.
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