Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Missionary Work

1. Each one of you young men and young women was commissioned by your Heavenly Father to build up the kingdom of God on earth right now and prepare a people to receive the Savior when He will rule and reign as the millennial Messiah.

Russell M. Nelson-What Will You Choose?-Sept. 09, 2013 Church News- 

2. You will never regret serving a mission, but you most probably will regret not serving if that is your choice.

                                          Richard G. Scott-Now is The Time To Serve Mission-April 2006 General Conference 

3. If you will respond to the invitation to share your beliefs and feelings about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, a spirit of love and a spirit of courage will be your constant companion, for perfect love casteth out fear. 

4. As you go forth and share our core beliefs and the fruits of our doctrines, misperceptions will dissolve, prejudices will diminish, and people will come to see Latter-day Saints as devout disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

People Will Come See Quinten L. Cook- Seminar for New Mission Presidents October 25, 2012 Deseret News October 29th, 2012

5. God is preparing people to receive your testimony of restored truth. He requires your faith and then your action to share fearlessly what has become so precious to you and those you love.

Henry B. Eyring-Sharing the Gospel Heart to Heart-September 2012 Ensign- 

6. As your circumstances allow, as you are eligible for retirement, and as your health permits, I encourage you to make yourselves available for full-time missionary service. Both husband and wife will have a greater joy as they together serve our Father’s children.

Thomas S. Monson-As We Meet Together Again-
October 2010 General Conference

7. God will put prepared people in the way of His prepared servants who want to share the gospel. You have had that happen in your own life. How often it happens depends on the preparation of your mind and your heart.
Henry B. Eyring-Sharing the Gospel Heart to Heart Sept. 2012 Ensign         

8. For the Master I extend thanks for your work to serve the children of our Heavenly Father. He knows you, and He sees your effort, diligence, and sacrifice. I pray that He will grant you the blessing of seeing the fruit of your labors in the happiness of those you have helped and with whom you have helped for the Lord.

Henry B. Eyring-Opportunities To Do Good-April 2011 General Conference 

9. We encourage you to keep all that is good and true and then see if we can add more. In this world filled with challenges, we do need help from time to time. Religion, eternal truth, and our missionaries are vital parts of that help.

Russell M. Nelson-Ask The Missionaries They Can Help You 
October 2012 General Conference

10. Missionaries return home with a love for the people they have served and taught. They are true ambassadors spreading goodwill for the peoples in whose countries they have lived and worked. They are not concerned with income levels and have no racial bias. They are not out to build any worldly kingdoms. They are, in the words of Mormon, ‘the peaceable followers of Christ.

I chose missionary work because I never had the chance to serve a mission. I have learned you don’t have to go away on a mission to teach, you can do it from being a friend to someone, and by setting an example. I became friends with a gal that wrote a letter to have her name removed off the records of the church. We moved into this ward and one Sunday she came to church. In Relief Society they were talking about the upcoming meeting she looked over at me and I asked her if she wanted to go. ­­­­­­­­She was unaware that she would have to take the discussions again and be re-baptized. Since that time she has had two missionary discussions and I have been there with her for both. She has her baptism all planned and who she wants to be speakers.  I am glad that I can be a member missionary by helping her or anyone else that I can come back to the fold. 

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